Just a brief note to say the container has arrived. We have been waiting for so long. We are all pretty tired as we spent today unloading it. Check out the photos on my becs pics link. I will write more later. Until then, TTFN. BEC
just a girl, from an island in the pacific. Doesn't that sound tropical. Okay, girl may be stretching it, but I do live on an island. I love God and my friends and family and hope that I live in such away that exemplifies that.
Just a brief note to say the container has arrived. We have been waiting for so long. We are all pretty tired as we spent today unloading it. Check out the photos on my becs pics link. I will write more later. Until then, TTFN. BEC
10. When I am woken up by Joy either kicking me or elbowing me in her sleep.
It is hard to imagine, coming from Canada, a place where more than half the population doesn’t read or write. Its more like 70% of the people don’t read or write. When I do my kids club it sometimes poses problems. LIke, getting children to act out a skit. You can’t give them lines to read. You have to take them, say their line, and get them to repeat it several times so they memorize it, then during the skit, you have to cue each child when it is their turn. To teach new songs, there are no song sheets, no overhead projector, no writing on the board. You just sing that song over and over and over until they know it. It isn’t too bad, but I know with my accent, some of the words, they don’t understand what I am singing. I try and explain the meaning of each song, so they can understand what and why we are singing. I have started writing out our memory verses up on the board. I know only perhaps three or four of the kids can read it, but I say each word as I write, and figure, it all contributes to learning.
I think its amazing. This morning I slept it. I was very happy to. Normally the goats start bleating and chickens start their cock-a-doodle-doo far too early for my likings. Anyhow. This morning, there was no noise, except for the pouding of rain on the rooftop. Ah, the rain that drowns out all other noise, the rain that keeps the pesky goats and chickens inside their pens, the rain that keeps it nice and cool, so we can sleep at night. Now, this afternoon, the sun is shining, the birds cheep softly, and the house is beautifully quiet. Yes, the family is all out. It is nice to have a few minutes of sun, solitude and silence.This morning as I walked out to the car, with my umbrella, ankle deep in water (from all the rain) I was not feeling as amiable towards the rain. It is tricky, to get in the car, and shut the umbrella and to close the door, without getting absolutely drenched. I think perhaps there is a trick that I am not familiar with. We had a meeting this morning downtown, with Group of 77 in regards to resettlement. We parked on the road instead of driving into the yard. We walked across the road, and of course the road was flooded, thankfully I was wearing flippy flops, and so waded through the garbage strewn water and prayed that I didn’t step into anything yucky. Kathleen was wearing nice shoes, and so she had to walk half a block down the road to find somewhere she could ford the stream. Point one for flippyflops. After our meeting, Kathleen had another meeting, so I just sat quietly in the corner. The next business of the day, going to the Ministry of Finance to see if the form that needs to be signed by some person, was signed yet. We arrive, it is now drizzling, but I have forgotten the umbrella at Group of 77. Oh well. Our destination is the 7th floor. We walk in, and for the first time, I notice people entering the elevator. I say, the elevators work, Kathleen says yes. This is my third time, and we have never taken the elevator. Apparently, all this time, it has been functioning. OH well, I guess the excersize is good for us, so we hoof it to the 7th floor. We arrive. Security tells some man to move so I can sit down, and Kathleen goes into the office. Minutes later she is out, following some man with our file. Down we go to the third floor. To some other man in another office. Apparently he can’t do anything, there are documents that they need. Kathleen says, this is the first I have heard of these documents. She has been going to Minister of Finance for at least a month now, chasing after documents for the release of our container. Ah, beaurocratic innefficiency. I sit and wonder how any work gets down in this place. It is a mystery. (remember, this is just an outsiders thinking). We leave. We are parked on a hill, one way. The traffic is moving very slowly. Kathleen decides to back up the road to the next intersection. I tell her, the last thing we need is to get pulled over by the police. She says, this is Liberia. Hm. I am definatley not Kathleen. We make it, after a little manouvering around a big tree root.
I just wanted to write a little note of appreciation. I love getting all the little notes/comments people send. It is so fun for me to know that people all over can read my little musings and enjoying them. I love to write, so for me it is really fun. It has also been great to hear from friends and family while I am so far away. What is the saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
The joys of being in a foreign country. Dealing with immigration. I don’t have it all figured out. When I came, I applied for a 1 year visitor visa. When you arrive, they tell you at the airport, you have 48 hours, or for me 15 days, (I am not sure how they decide) to report to immigration. The first time Kathleen and I went. They tell me I can only be a visitor for 3 months total, then I have to leave, or become a resident. They go and come back with my passport stamped for 75 more days, to total the 90 days. It is now the end of my three months. We go, we sit in some office and talk to some man who works there. He explains the rules, I explain the ambiguity of their Embassy Website in Washington DC. They tell me my 1 year visa is really and entrance visa. The visa says, “Visitor Visa” it doesn’t say “Entrance Visa” No where on the website can I find where is says you can only stay as a visitor in the country for three months. I tell the man, I have no where else to go, I don’t know anyone in any other African Country, I haven’t made arrangements to leave so I can return for three more months. Besides, to get a visa to some other country will be at least $100 USD, plus the airfare. I am not too happy. To appy for residence, it is a one year permit, and costs well, more than I want to pay. The man when he looks at my passport notices the 75 day stamp. He calls an assistant. “who did this?” Apparently they are only supposed to stamp passports for 15, 30 or 60 days at a time. 75 days is not correct. We tell him some man on the second floor stamped it.